Noun and its kinds


" A noun is a word used as the name of person, place or thing."

  1. Akbar was a great king
  2. The sun shines bright.
(Akbar is a proper noun and king is a common noun)

A common noun:

"A name given in common to every person or thing of the same kind or class is called a common noun."
(common here means shared by all)

  • People: mother, father, baby, children, toddler, teenager, grandmother, teacher, student, minister, businessperson, sales clerk, woman, man
  • Animals: lion, tiger, deer, cat, dog, alligator, bear, bird, wolf 
  • Things: truck, pencil, computer, Ipad, coat, boat, book, pen, wood
  • Places: state, country, city, continent, coffee shop, restaurant, park, zoo
  • Ideas: envy, love, hate, respect, patriotism, pride

A proper noun:

"Name of some particular person or place  is called a proper noun."
(Proper name is a person's own name)
  • Proper nouns are always written in Capital letters at the beginning.
  • City, district, neighbourhood, street nouns: London, Paris, Seoul, California etc.
  • Language nouns: Persian, English, French, Urdu, Hindi etc.
  • Human nouns: Alisbah, Carry, Rose, Jenica, Melissa, John etc.
  • Institution, establishment, authority, university nouns: British Language Institute, Health Association, Karachi University etc.

A proper noun used as Common noun:

Sometimes proper noun is used; as, 
  • Khalida's is often called the Shakespeare of Sanskrit.
(here Shakespeare is used as a common noun)
  • It means Khalida's was the great dramatist as Shakespeare was in English.

A collective noun:
"A collective noun is a word which represents a group of person, animal or thing."
  • A collective noun used for People
  1. A band of musicians.
  2. A board of directors.
  3.  A class of students.
  4. A crowd of people.
  5.  A choir of singers.
  6.  A gang of thieves.
  7. A team of players.
  • A collective noun used for things:
  1. A fleet of ships.
  2. A bunch of flowers.
  3. A forest of trees.
  4. A bouquet of flowers.
  5. A galaxy of stars.
  6. A range of mountains.
  7. A pack of cards.
  8. A pair of shoes.
  • A collective noun used for animals:
  1. A murder of crows.
  2. An army of ants.
  3. A herd of deer.
  4. A flock of sheep.
  5. A hive of bees.
  6. A pack of wolves.
  7. A pride of lions.
  8. A school of fish.

An abstract noun:

"An abstract noun is something we cannot feel, touch, smell, taste, see and hear."
"Abstract noun signifies the name of any action or attribute, virtue, or condition of something."
Smile, robbery, work, rest, burial, ride, decency, behaviourvoice, bravery, health, freedom

The name of the action verb in all these examples. Mention the name of the attribute or the name of the condition of an object.
Rest is the name of a verb.
Decency is the name of virtue.
And so are all the other names. This is how many other English names and words are formed and nothing is found in these words.

Countable noun:

" Countable nouns can be counted and can be both singular and plural form."
  • Countable nouns can be preceded by a number or by "a" or "an". 
an apple, two apples, eggs, hat, pizza, crocodile etc.

Uncountable noun:

" Uncountable noun cannot be counted and used in a singular form."
  • It is not something that can be quantified for example air, water, milk, money etc.
  • We can't say that " He had many money"
More example:
anger etc.


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